jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009

Come come - "Veni veni"

Came came
jump with me
that a friend you are going to find
with the hand of Julio Ribas
we all the turn are going to do

Love of my lovers - Gypsy Kings "amor de mis amores"

Love of my lovers
go peña
go peña
if we loose i don´t care
eggs will never ends
we follow you, we sopport you
of the hand of this swollen
the turn we are going to made

sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008

Crazy band of carbonero - Donato y Estefano "Sin ti"

This is the crazy band of the carbonero
the ones how goes everwhere we play
althougth you win or loose I'll keep encourage
we are not like bolsos, that are unsweetened
Aree unsweeteneeeeed

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008

I was told by a gypsy - Me dijo una gitana

I was told by a gypsy, she told me with fervour
you left the marihuana, or you goes to the coffin,
I was told by a gypsy, and I didn`t wont to believe,
I still continue giving to the porro, to the wines and the paper
That beautiful gypsy give me a letteeeeer
That letter said "Manya champiooooon"
We already killed a bolso, and nothing happened
We are going to kill Cerro beacuse he is a shitperson!!

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008

Wiith Peeeeeeeeñarol - Con peeeeeeeñarol

I go everywhere
always out of control
I want to see you champion
Never, Never
will have this sopprters
in the goods and the bads
always is with Peñarol, wiith Peeeeeeeeñarol

martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

For you chikeeen - Para vooo gallina

Fucking chiken of what you giveeeee
never in your life hardsupporter going to beeee
not even a fuck "bolso" in the campus plant,
when the band of manya juuuump
for you chikeeen, for you chikeeen
Maldonado never will be forgoooooooot

And youuuuuuu will see

And go the happines happines of my heart
the liberators cup we are going to win
you have to left the soul and your heart
you have to leave everthing for Peñarol
and youuuuu will see, the liberators cup we are going to win
and youuuuu will see we are not how the fuck of Nacional